Going Orange for Cat Safety

Last Updated on April 13, 2020

If you are not familiar with the card game “Exploding Kittens“, go check it out! The creators of this hilarious cat-themed card game have started a campaign hoping to reach worldwide. It is a simple change that cat owners can do to ensure the safety of their cat in the event it gets outside or lost. So what is it exactly?

Kitty Convict

Kitty Convict is a campaign to help bring the low percentage of lost cats found higher. In the United States, only 5% of lost cats ever make it back to their home. A huge reason is that people assume any cat outside is either an outdoor cat or they are a stray. Owners are always encouraged to put collars with tags on their felines but the Kitty Convict Project is taking it a step further. The humor of it is putting an orange collar on your cat to signal to other people that the cat is indoor only and if it is seen outside with said orange collar, it is clearly lost… Or in other words, it is an escaped convict. The bright orange color is also helpful for spotting cats easier outside. Bonus points for orange reflective collars!

This is a very creative, humorous, and caring way to protect our furry family so I encourage all of my readers to support this campaign and get the word across. My cats are always in their collars and my younger one wears an ID tag. The older one, he is already wearing an orange collar. I am half way there! For more information, check out the site and show your support on social media using the hashtag “#KittyConvict”. Let’s keep our adorable cellmates safe!

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4 thoughts on “Going Orange for Cat Safety”

  1. This really is a great idea. My cat is an indoor only cat and my mother is constantly telling me it’s inhumane to deny a cat the outdoors. She makes fun of me every time I walk Bella or put her in the outdoor enclosure. Is it inhumane? Does my cat hate being inside?

    • Thank you for your comment Haley. Allowing your cat outside is a good thing but doing it with your supervision is always best.It is better for a cat to never go outside then to go out unsupervised. There is just too many dangers. I take my cats out on a harness and leash and they enjoy it. There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep your cat safe.


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