6 Amazing Facts About Cat Nails
A cat’s claws are simply amazing. Each detail is so beautifully crafted, and the nails themselves are a big part of what makes a cat, a cat! Here are 6 facts about cat nails!
A cat’s claws are simply amazing. Each detail is so beautifully crafted, and the nails themselves are a big part of what makes a cat, a cat! Here are 6 facts about cat nails!
The house cat can make over 100 sounds all sounding unique and serving a different purpose, although not every cat will make all sounds. Here are 13 common sounds a cat makes!
Is your cat angry? Scratching the sofa? Biting people or other pets? We’ll help you understand why that is and how to correct this behavior!
Are you hoping to have a cat in the same house as another small pet such as a bird or rabbit? Be sure to take these points into consideration first!
Cat personalities vary greatly between all of the breeds. If you are looking for a friendly house cat to live with your family, these amazing breeds are perfect for you!
Indoor cats can escape, outdoor cats can run far away and get lost. Here’s what you should do if your cat is lost and how you can prevent them from escaping or running away again!
You have likely noticed when your cat is in a deep sleep, twitching occurs. You can see the mouth, whiskers, legs, and even the tail moving. Are they dreaming?
That old saying of “cats rule, dogs drool!” isn’t entirely correct. Just like dogs, cats can drool too but it’s not for the same reasons and could also be a cause for concern.
A common behavior in cats is the motion of pushing their paws into something soft, alternating between the left and the right paw which is called “kneading”. Why do cats do this?
Have you ever received a “gift” from your cat in the form of a dead mouse? You may think it’s weird and gross but there is a good reason for cats doing this.