Signs of Food Allergies in Cats

Signs of Food Allergies in Cats

If your cat is experiencing health issues and you aren’t sure what the cause is, don’t rule out a food allergy. Here are common the signs and symptoms.

Redirected Aggression in Cats

Redirected Aggression in Cats

Does your cat get aggressive for no reason? For some cats, this is an issue of a bipolar disorder but for many others, it’s redirected aggression.

Chicken-Free Cat Food

Chicken-Free Cat Food

The most common allergy for cats is chicken and you may be wondering what food to buy. We’ve compiled a list of great wet & dry food to make it easier!

By-products in Cat Food

By-Products in Cat Food

By-products are common in most cat foods, but are they bad for your cat? Let’s take a look at what a by-product is and if you should be concerned.

Spinal Strokes (FCE) in Cats

Spinal Strokes (FCE) in Cats

Fibrocartilaginous Embolism (FCE) also known as a “spinal stroke” is rare but it is something that can happen to cats. Learn what it is, why it happens and how to treat it.

Bug Spray is Toxic to Cats

Bug Spray Is Toxic to Cats

Creepy crawlies seem to dampen the joys of summer every year. You could use bug spray but it’s not very safe for cats. Here are some cat-friendly alternatives!

Coconut oil for cats

Coconut Oil Benefits for Cats

Coconut oil is one of few oils that packs so many different uses and benefits. even for cats! Here are 10 amazing coconut oil uses and benefits just for cats.

Green Tea Benefits for Cats

Green Tea Benefits for Cats

Green tea has been shown to give us humans plenty of benefits from aiding weight loss to oral protection, but did you know your cat can benefit from drinking it?