Polydactyl cat

10 Facts About Polydactyl Cats

Have you ever come across a cute cat and looked down to see it has what appears to be mittens? These are Polydactyls, cats with extra toes! Here are 10 amazing facts about polydactyl cats.

Cat scratching

How to Control Cat Scratching

Cats need to scratch things to keep their nails healthy and while you can’t train your cat to stop this behavior, you can direct it to more appropriate objects.


The Science of Catnip

We all know cats go wild for catnip, but what is it about the plant that causes such reactions? Let’s take a look at the science of this magical mint plant!

Egyptian Cat

Ancient Love For Cats

Cats have been loved all throughout history, but the ancient Egyptians to it to another level. Through art, sculptures, and hieroglyphics, their love for cats was clear.

Cat Whiskers

6 Facts About Cat Whiskers

Whiskers are not only an adorable feature every cat has but they are key to a cats survival. Here are 6 amazing facts about cat whiskers not many people know!

shocked cat face

10 Amazing Cat Facts

Cats are amazing creatures and we are still learning more about them. From brains to sleeping, here are 10 amazing cat facts you may not have known!